Meade LX50
Schmidt-Cassegrain Instruction Manual |
NOTICE! Never use a telescope or spotting scope to look at the Sun! Observing
the Sun, even for the shortest fraction of a second, will cause irreversible
damage to your eye as well as physical damage to the telescope or spotting
scope itself. |
toc ]1.
Keeping Your Telescope Clean
Prevention is the best recommendation
that a telescope owner can follow in keeping astronomical equipment in
top working order. Proper measures taken during observations and when storing
the equipment between observation sessions can add many years of trouble
free use.
Dust and moisture are the
two main enemies to your instrument. When observing it is advisable to
always use a proper fitting Dew Shield (such as the Meade #710, or #712).
The Dew Shield not only prevents dew from forming, and dust from settling
on the corrector plate lens, it prevents stray light from reducing image
Although dew shields go
a long way to prevent moisture build-up, there can be times when the telescope
optics will have a uniform coating of moist dew. This is not particularly
harmful, as long as the instrument is allowed to let the dew evaporate.
This can be done with a hair dryer, or just setting up the telescope indoors
with the dust covers removed. It is also advisable that you let the foam
for the LX50 dry out indoors for a day if the night was moist. Packing
your telescope away in moist foam can result in giving it a steam bath
Never attempt to wipe
down optics that are covered with dew. Dust and dirt may be trapped with
the collected dew, and upon wiping the optics you may scratch them. After
the dew has evaporated you will most likely find them in fine condition
for the next observing session.
If you live in a very moist
climate, you may find it necessary to use silica dessicant in a packed
telescope to ward off moisture and the possibility of fungus growing on
and within the coatings of the optics. Replace the silica dessicant as
often as necessary.
Those living in coastal
areas or tropic zones should also cover the electronic ports on the Power
Panel and the Keypad with gaffers tape to reduce corrosion on the metal
contacts. Apply a dab of a water displacement solution (such as WD-40)
with a small brush on all of the interior metal contacts and the input
cord metal contacts. The Keypad and all separate accessories should be
kept in sealable plastic bags with silica dessicant.
A thick layer of dust will
attract and absorb moisture on all exposed surfaces. Left unattended, it
can cause damaging corrosion. To keep dust at bay when observing, the telescope
can be set up on a small section of indoor/outdoor carpet. If you are observing
for more than one night in a row, the telescope can be left set up, but
covered with a large plastic bag (such as the one supplied with the telescope).
The rear cell opening of the LX50 can also be sealed off to the elements
by threading on the optional Skylight 1A Dust Seal. Eyepieces, diagonals,
and other accessories are best kept in plastic bags and stored in cases,
such as the Meade #50 Accessory Case*.
All of the non-optical surfaces
of the LX50 should be cleaned routinely with a soft rag and alcohol to
prevent corrosion. The cast metal surfaces and the individual exposed screws
can also be kept looking new and corrosion free by wiping them down with
a water displacement solution (such as WD-40). Take care not to smear the
solution onto any optical surface, and to wipe up any excess solution with
a clean dry cloth. The painted tube can be polished with a liquid car polish
and a soft rag.
Surprisingly, the most common
telescope maintenance error is cleaning the optics too often. A little
dust on any of the optical surfaces causes virtually zero degradation of
optical performance. It should be of no concern whatsoever to see some
small particles on the inside or outside of telescope optics. Should the
optics get more dust on them than you would care for, simply use a photographic
grade camel hair brush with very gentle strokes. You can also blow off
dust with an ear syringe (available from a local pharmacy).
There is a point, however,
when the optics must be cleaned. This is when you can easily tell that
there is a thin layer of fine particulates that make the optics look very
slightly hazy. To clean the optics we must suggest that you make your own
lens cleaning solutions, since it is impossible to know all of the ingredients
used in commercial lens cleaners. Pure isopropyl alcohol (90% or better)
will clean most residual film build-up on optical surfaces (and metal surfaces
For removing saliva marks,
grease, fingerprints, or most any oily residue, the following recipe is
advised: 1 part pure isopropyl alcohol, 2 parts distilled water, and 1
drop of biodegradable liquid dishwashing soap per pint of solution. This
formula is safe for multi-coated, or even non-coated optical surfaces.
Sprayer bottles make for convenient dispensing of the lens cleaning solutions.
It is advised that you avoid
many of the so-called lens cleaning papers (many which contain fiberglass),
lens cloths, or chamois. Use a white "Kleenex"-type tissue. The tissue
can be formed into smooth pillow surfaces. Make several of these before
starting the cleaning process. If the optics are small (such as viewfinders
or eyepieces), the tissue can be rolled to the appropriate thickness and
then broken in half to create two cleaning wands.
Before attempting to clean
an optical surface with a liquid solution, it is very important that as
much dust as possible is removed by using forced air and/ or gentle strokes
with a photographic grade camel hair brush. The forced air can come from
a rubber ear syringe, or canned compressed air from a photographic supply
store. Be sure to hold the canned air in a vertical position and try spraying
compressed air on your hand before aiming at the optics to see if any of
the propellant (solid material) comes out. Propellant is very difficult
to remove from optics, so take care not to tip the can when using it. If
you have access to a compressor hose, be sure that it is filtered to prevent
oil from being sprayed on the optics.
Once you are confident that
you have removed most of the dust and large particles, begin cleaning with
the pure isopropyl. Pour or spray enough solution onto a pillow or wand
of tissue until it is quite wet. If you are cleaning a corrector plate,
use radial strokes with a smooth pillow of tissue, starting from the center
out using no pressure. If you are cleaning small optical surfaces, use
the rolled wands of tissue starting from the edges then spiraling in to
the center, again using no pressure. Never pour or spray the solution onto
the corrector plate or eyepieces themselves, as the liquid may go behind
or in between lenses, where it is difficult or impossible to reach. Never
attempt to disassemble an eyepiece to clean the inner elements, as you
will certainly not be able to properly center and re-assemble the optical
Use dry tissue to make the
final clean up, again using no pressure. If there is still some sort of
residue, use the the three part formula described above, again using the
same cleaning techniques.
The inside surface of the
corrector plate and secondary mirror may at some point become dirty due
to particles falling inside the tube when removing or replacing the rear
dust cover or threading on accessories. To reduce the chance of interior
contamination, the Meade Skylight 1A Dust Seal is very effective. If the
Dust Seal is not used, it helps to have the rear cell pointed downward
when replacing the rear dust cover or attaching accessories.
Another more serious, but
not damaging problem is the possibility of a hazy (usually uneven) film
building up on the inside of the corrector plate. This can be caused by
environmental pollutants, or temperature changes reacting with the interior
paint, causing outgassing or water condensation, or combinations thereof.
It is possible to clean
the interior of the optical system yourself or to have it done professionally.
In the case of the former, take great care in handling the optics. Any
impact or rough handling can damage the surfaces, which may require complete
optical replacement at Meade Instruments at substantial cost. Meade Instruments
assumes no liability for damage incurred to the telescope by the customer.
The cleaning techniques
described above are used while cleaning the interior of the optical system,
with one exception: Do not apply cleaning solutions to the front surface
mirrored optics. Only use the soft camel hair brush and the suggested ear
syringe for removing particles. The corrector plate can be cleaned
in the normal manner. To remove the corrector plate, follow the instructions
1. Remove the six (for 7"
and 8" models) or the eight (for 10" models) stainless steel screws that
hold the plastic corrector plate retaining ring with the raised white lettering
in place. This should be done with the Drive Base placed flat on a work
bench, and the optical tube assembly pointed up at a 45 degree angle with
the declination lock secure to prevent accidental dislodging of the corrector
2. Remove the plastic retaining
ring and locate the two white alignment marks, one at the edge of the corrector
plate lens and one beside it on the black metal front cell. These two marks
line up and serve as the precise rotational position of the corrector plate
in the optical train. If no marks exist, make two yourself with a small
paintbrush and some white paint, so that when you return the corrector
plate to the front cell you are putting back on the same way that you took
it off.
3. Remove the corrector
plate from the telescope, holding it by the plastic central secondary housing.
Flip it over so that the secondary mirror is facing you, then reinsert
the corrector plate back into the front cell. This will allow you full
access to clean the interior optical surfaces without touching them with
your fingers.
4. When cleaning is complete,
replace the corrector plate in its original position, carefully lining
up the rotational index marks. Then replace the plastic retainer. Partially
thread in all of the stainless steel screws, then one at a time snug the
screws down to prevent the corrector plate from rotating in the front cell.
Take care not to overtighten the screws as it will stress the corrector
plate lens.
5. A final check of the
optical system is to inspect for proper collimation (alignment) of the
toc ]2.
Collimation (Alignment) of the Optical System
The optical collimation
of any astronomical telescope used for serious purposes is important, but
in cases of the Schmidt-Cassegrain design of the 8", and 10" LX50 , such
collimation is absolutely essential for good performance. Take special
care to read and understand this section well so that your LX50 will give
you the best optical performance. Note: The 7" Maksutov-Cassegrain LX50
does not require collimation.
For final optical tests,
every Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain is precisely collimated at the factory before
shipment. Our company is well aware that through shipment and normal handling,
the optical alignment can be lost. The design of the optical support system
make the method of collimation easy to do. Even the uninitiated can make
an alignment of the optics to the same high precision that is performed
in the Meade Instruments Optical Laboratories.
To check the collimation
of your LX50, center a bright star that is overhead, with the supplied
26mm eyepiece. To make a correct evaluation of the alignment it helps if
the telescope has been allowed to either cool down or warm up to the temperature
where the instrument is set up. Temperature differences between the optics
and the outside air can cause distortion in the images.
With the star or hot spot
centered, de-focus the image. You will notice that the out of focus star
image looks like a ring of light (the dark center of the ring is the shadow
of the secondary mirror). Turn the focus knob until the ring of light fills
about 1/8th of the eyepiece field. Take note that if you keep de-focusing
the star past about 1/8th of a field, that the ring will look perfectly
concentric (even on all sides) even if the optics are out of alignment,
preventing you from seeing any misalignments. If the ring of light does
not seem to be even on all sides, or if the dark center seems to be offset
in the in the ring of light, follow the method below:
1. To make collimation easy,
the only adjustments possible on the 8" or 10" LX50 come from the three
set screws (shown in Fig. 26) located at
the edge of the outer surface of the secondary mirror housing.
27: Defocused Star Images
2. While looking at the
de-focused star image and noticing which direction the darker shadow is
offset in the ring of light or noticing which part of the ring is the thinnest
(1, Fig. 27), place your index finger in front of the telescope so that
it touches one of the collimation set screws. You will see the shadow of
your finger in the ring of light. Move your finger (or an assistant's finger)
around the edge of the black plastic secondary mirror support until you
see the shadow of the finger crossing the thinnest part of the ring of
light. At this point, look at the front of the telescope where your (or
your assistant's) finger is aiming. It will either be pointing directly
at a set screw, or it will be between two set screws aiming at the set
screw on the far side of the black plastic secondary mirror support. This
is the set screw that you will adjust.
3. Using the telescope's
slow motion controls, move the de-focused image to the edge of the eyepiece
field of view (2, Fig. 27), in the same direction as the darker shadow
is offset in the ring of light.
4. Turn the set screw that
you found with the pointing exercise while looking in the eyepiece. You
will notice that the star image will move across the field. If while turning
the out-of-focus star image flies out of the eyepiece field, then you are
turning the screw the wrong way. Turn the opposite direction and bring
the image to the center of the field.
5. If while turning, you
feel the screw get very loose, tighten the other two screws by even amounts.
If while turning the set screw gets too tight, unthread the other two by
even amounts.
6. When you bring the image
to center (3, Fig. 27), carefully examine the evenness of the ring of light
(concentricity). If you find that the dark center is still off in the same
direction, continue to make the adjustment in the original turning direction.
If it is now off in the opposite direction, you have turned too far and
you need to turn in the opposite direction. Always double check the image
in the center of the field of the eyepiece.
7. You may find after your
initial adjustment that the dark center is off in a new direction (e.g.
instead of side to side off, it is off in an up and down direction).
If this is the case follow steps 2 through 6 as described above to find
the new adjustment screw.
8. Now try a higher power
(e.g., 9mm or less) eyepiece and repeat the above tests. Any lack
of collimation at this point will require only very slight adjustments
of the 3 set screws. You now have a good collimation.
9. As a final check on alignment,
examine the star image in-focus with the higher power eyepiece as suggested
above, under good seeing conditions (e.g., steady atmospheric conditions).
The star point should appear as a small central dot (the so-called "Airy
disc") with a diffraction ring surrounding it. To give a final precision
collimation, make extremely slight adjustments of the 3 set screws, if
necessary, to center the Airy disc in the diffraction ring. You now have
the best alignment of the optics possible with this final step.
toc ]3.
Adjusting the Right Ascension Lock
After a period of time,
it is possible that the R.A. lock (7, Fig.
17) of the LX50 will not tighten sufficiently due to internal wear
of the clutch mechanism. In such an event, remove the R.A. lock lever using
one of the hex wrenches supplied with the telescope. Then, with a pair
of pliers, tighten the shaft protruding outward from the drive base until
you cannot easily rotate the fork arm in R.A. (Take care in this operation
not to damage the cosmetic finish of your LX50). Replace the R.A. lock
lever so that its handle points straight out from the cross-bar connecting
the fork arm.
toc ]4.
Behind the Power Panel
The 1 amp slow blow fuse
will sacrifice itself to protect the LX50 electronics in the event of a
current overload. The illustration below shows the location of the fuse.
28: Reverse Side of Power Panel
toc ]5.
Factory Servicing and Repairs
Meade LX50 7", 8", and 10"
models have been designed and manufactured for years of trouble-free operation
and repairs should rarely be necessary. If a problem does occur, first
write or call our Customer Service Department. Do not return the telescope
until you have communicated with us in this way, since the great majority
of the problems can be handled without the return of the telescope to us.
However, should the occasion arise that the instrument requires factory
servicing, a Meade Instruments Customer Service Representative will issue
a Return Goods Authorization (RGA) number and give you full instructions
on how to use it. Product returned without the RGA may greatly delay any
servicing or repairs. When telephoning or writing, please explain the exact
nature of the problem so that we may offer a prompt remedial procedure.
Be sure to include your full name, address, phone and fax numbers where
you can be reached.
Should you live outside
of the United States, contact your Authorized Meade Distributor from whom
you purchased the instrument.
You can reach the Meade
Instruments Customer Service Department either by mail, phone, or fax at:
Meade Instruments Corporation, 6001 Oak Canyon, Irvine, CA 92626-4205,
telephone (949) 451-1450, or telefax (949) 451-1460. Outside of the U.S.A.,
dial your International Access Code, then 1, then the ten digit number
above in the 949 area code.
Table 3: Specifications
and Features
Feature |
7" LX50 |
8" and 10"
LX50's |
Optical Design |
Maksutov-Cassegrain |
Schmidt-Cassegrain |
Clear Aperture |
178mm (7") |
203mm (8");
254mm (10") |
Primary Mirror
Diameter |
209.6mm (8.25") |
209.6mm (8.25");
263.5mm (10.38") |
Focal Length |
2670mm |
2000mm (8");
2500mm (10") |
Focal Ratio
(Photographic Speed) |
f/15 |
f/10 |
Near Focus
(approx.) |
50 ft. |
25 ft. (8");
50 ft. (10") |
Power (arc secs.) |
0.64 |
0.56 (8"); 0.45
(10") |
Super Multi-Coatings
(EMC) |
Standard |
Standard |
Visual Magnitude (approx.) |
13.5 |
14.0 (8"); 14.5
(10") |
Photographic Magnitude (approx.) |
16.0 |
16.5 (8"); 17.0
(10") |
Image Scale
(degs./inch) |
0.54 |
0.72 (8"); 0.57
(10") |
Maximum Practical
Visual Power |
450X |
500X (8"); 625X
(10") |
35mm Angular
Film Coverage |
0.52° x
0.74° |
0.68° x
0.97° (8")
0.54° x 078° (10") |
Optical Tube
Dimensions (dia. x length) |
9.1" x 19.0" |
9.1" x 16" (8");
11.75" x 22" (10") |
Mirror Obstruction (dia.; %) |
1.9"-7.4% |
3.0"-14.1% (8")
3.7"-13.7% (10") |
Mounting |
Heavy-duty fork-type;
double tine |
Heavy-duty fork-type;
double tine |
Setting Circle
Diameters |
Dec: 6"; RA:
8.75" |
Dec: 6"; RA:
8.75" |
RA Motor
Drive System |
4-speed, microprocessor
- controlled 9v. DC servo motor, 5.75" LX worm gear |
4-speed, microprocessor
- controlled 9v. DC servo motor, 5.75" LX worm gear |
of Operation |
North and South,
switchable |
North and South,
switchable |
Control System |
4-speed, microprocessor
- controlled 9v. DC servo motor, tangent arm |
4-speed, microprocessor
- controlled 9v. DC servo motor, tangent arm |
Controls |
Manual and electric,
RA and Dec |
Manual and electric,
RA and Dec |
Bearings |
Dec: Nylon;
RA: 1 - 4" dia. And 1 - 2.25" dia. ball bearings |
Dec: Nylon;
RA: 1 - 4" dia. And 1 - 2.25" dia. ball bearings |
Hand Controller |
PIC16C54 microcontroller,
5 - button keypad; red LED speed - rate indicator |
PIC16C54 microcontroller,
5 - button keypad; red LED speed - rate indicator |
Main Controller |
PIC16C57 microcontroller |
PIC16C57 microcontroller |
Onboard Celestial
Object Database |
N/A |
N/A |
Slew Speeds |
RA and Dec:
2x, 8x, 16x, 32x sidereal |
RA and Dec:
2x, 8x, 16x, 32x sidereal |
Tube body |
Aluminum |
Aluminum |
Mount Castings |
Aluminum |
Aluminum |
Primary & Secondary Mirrors [Note 1] |
Pyrex® glass |
Pyrex® glass |
Correcting Plate/Lens |
BK7 optical
glass |
Clear float
glass |
Dimensions, Swung Down |
9.25" x 15"
x 33" |
9.25" x 16"
x 25" (8")
12" x 19" x 31" (10") |
Carton Dimensions |
38" x 22" x
14" |
31" x 22" x
14" (8")
38" x 26" x 18" (10") |
Total Net
Telescope Weight |
82 lbs. |
71 lbs. (8");
89 lbs. (10") |
Sub-Section for Field Assembly |
49 lbs. |
38 lbs. (8");
55 lbs. (10") |
Total Shipping
Weight (approx.) |
106 lbs. |
91 lbs. (8");
122 lbs. (10") |
#1220 Field
De-rotater |
N/A |
N/A |
Wedge Latitude Range [Note 2] |
23° to 64° |
23° to 64°
15° to 64° (10") |
Field Tripod
Height [Note 2] |
30" to 44" variable |
30" to 44" variable |
All Pyrex glass used in Meade Schmidt-Cassegrains and Maksutov-Cassegralns
is of Grade-A quality, fine-annealed.
The standard equatorial wedge adds approx. 9", and the Superwedge approx.
12", to the stated tripod heights.
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